The dissemination of websites and digital activities puts at the center of work a figure necessary for the management of search engine optimization: the expert seo.
The expert seo (Search Enigenr Opimititation) manages the optimization of web pages in search engines. The publication of web pages does not guarantee to be found for what you want to transmit if you do not optimize words associated with the content on the web (these are the keywords).
This happens because search engines need to interpret the text before positioning the contents using keywords.
Website optimization is the set of activities that are used to generate the highest number of visits coming from search engines, web directories and other sites with the aim of making the site known. The techniques used allow you to increase visibility on search engines and generate qualified traffic on your website.
To publicize websites, the Seo expert integrates other digital strategies (Digital Pr, Media Relations, Social Media Marketing, Digital Marketing) in order to obtain optimal results.
By optimizing it is possible to position the website in a natural way in search engine results, the goal is to increase the visibility of a website. For a good ranking of websites in search engines, the seo expert uses the best procedure to be implemented through research, planning, implementation and analysis of data.
The research phase: site clinic
in the research phase it is necessary to analyze the information concerning the sector of reference of the business, and then to identify a cluster of keywords necessary for the optimization. Through a procedure called SITE CLINIC, the site is carefully analyzed to modify and conform to the rules that influence positioning.
A general picture of the sector is outlined to understand the objectives set for the organization of the website, what is the knowledge of the business. Competition is analyzed. Searching for keywords and identifying the terms deemed appropriate through Search Analitics, user behavior is studied.
The operational phase: the Seo Plan
After the analysis phase, the seo expert draws up the SEO PLAN, an indispensable tool to implement the Seo strategy and to allow an excellent natural positioning in search engines based on the keywords identified and relevant to the business of the company or body.