
Exhibitions, Canaletto and Bellotto in Milan from November 25 to March 7, 2017

E ‘was presented today at the Italian Intesa Sanpaolo Galleries exhibition “Bellotto and Canaletto. The wonder and the light”, which will open’ to the public from November 25 to March 5, 2017 in the Milan office in Piazza Scala. This is the first exhibition that Milan dedicates to two artists of the eighteenth century: Antonio Canal, known as Canaletto (Venice 1697-1768 and his nephew Bernardo Bellotto (Venice 1722 – Warsaw 1780).

Curated by Bozena Anna Kowalczyk, the exhibition will host ‘about 100 works, including paintings, drawings and engravings, a
the third of which have never been exhibited before in Italy.

“The new exhibition in the galleries of Piazza Scala enrolled in the continuity ‘of the great shows that we have achieved in our museum in Milan, after the’ Great War ” Hayez ‘and’ Return ‘- explained the presentation Giovanni Bazoli, President Emeritus Intesa Sanpaolo -. Thanks to loans from museums and collectors around the world, we will bring in the city ‘the works of the foremost artists of landscape painting, to retrace, in an extraordinary show’ en plein air ‘, one of the most’ painting bright seasons
Italian and European “.

Bazoli reported the “profound bond” particularly among Bellotto and Milan, talking about a “tribute show” to the “relationship between Italy and Europe”, with the ” critical goal to get out of the cliche “of these two artists. “This exhibition and ‘a further step in a collaboration – said President Emeritus
Intesa Sanpaolo – which we believe is essential for the city ‘, and given the role of Milan, for the entire country. “

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